While no one has a clear answer on what the perfect beer is, there is no doubt that Hazy IPAs have made their mark in the industry. Seventeen years ago, Hazy IPAs, also known as New England IPAs (NEIPAs), made their debut when The Alchemist brewery in Vermont made their famous “Heady Topper” after their opening. What made this particular beer style a rebel comes down to one factor, and would you believe it, it’s in the name- haze. While historically a cloudy beer was cause for drama and scandal, Hazy IPAs embrace their cloudy, opaque nature. Oddly enough, that haze isn’t the intended effect, but a by-product of what Hazy IPAs are truly after. Hazy IPAs strive for being total juice bombs of hoppy goodness with a smooth, sometimes creamy mouthfeel. They make the absolute most out of the hops in them, and adjusted grain bills makes that smooth texture.
To get you started on your own hazy adventure, we have another recipe from BSG Canada’s Deborah Wood. Share your creation with us using the hastag #BrewWithBSG or #BrewBSG! Happy Brewing!
Wakatu® NEIPA
for 5 gal (19L)
- 10 lb (4,540 g) Weyermann® Bohemian Pilsner
- 2 lb ( 908g) OiO Toasted Wheat Flakes
- 2lb (908g) OiO Rolled Oats
- .5lb ( 227g) Weyermann® Carafoam®
- ½ ts calcium carbonate in boil
- 1oz(28g) Whakatu® 8 aa x 15 min boil
Add the following during the Whirlpool;
- 1/2oz(14g) mandarina Bavaria 8 aa & 1oz (28g) Whakatu® 8 aa.
- On day two of fermentation add: 1/2oz(14g) mandarina Bavaria 8 aa & 1/2oz (14g) Whakatu® 8 aa. In Secondary please add ½oz(14g) Mandarina Bavaria 8aa and ½ oz 14g) Whakatu® 8aa
- Original Gravity: 1.061 (15.2 P)
- Final Gravity: 1.012 (2.56P)
- ABV 6.83 %
- SRM 4.08, Lovibond 3.57, EBC 8.8
- A Two-Step Mash: Mash in at 140 F (60C) x 30 min. raise temperature to 155 F (60C) x 60 minutes then raise the temperature to 172F (78C) and mash out.
- Sparge at 154 F (76 C). Do not use kettle finings. Chill to 70 F (20 C) and add 1 pack of Fermentis K-97 and ferment at 70 F for 5 – 6 days. Add first dry hop addition on the second day of fermentation, transfer to secondary as soon as the primary fermentation is completed. Do not let your beer sit on yeast after the final attenuation has been reached to avoid autolysis. Once the beer has been transferred to secondary add the second dry hop addition.
Note- Brewing adjuncts and their interaction with the polyphenols during dry hopping has become a standard practice used to create beer haze. However, no haze is permanent. Hop aromas and flavors are at their best when fresh and young.