Despite Homebrew Con moving into the digital space for 2020, Jackalope Brewing Co has maintained the physical world with a commemorative beer to celebrate homebrewers nationwide. Pangaea Proxima IPA, named after the former super-continent, was brewed May 2nd by the Jackalope team led by Bailey Spaulding, Jackalope Brewing CEO and Brewmaster. “I rarely work with New Zealand hops, so I gravitated using them for this recipe, and it’ll be a nice, juicy IPA,” she explained. “It was really fun to develop.” Brewed with Norwegian Kveik yeast and New Zealand hops, Spaulding jokes that it’s a “polar IPA,” with yeast from the north and hops from the south. Hops and malt were donated by BSG.

Using the new ingredients was a “big moral boost” to the brewers at Jackalope, Spaulding said of brew day. “It was fun to play around a bit. The yeast fermented really hot and really quickly, and we got a nice dry hop after. Hopefully it’ll be a really clean, citrusy, juicy, but not hazy, IPA.” She explained. As the beer won’t be available to Homebrew Con attendees, Jackalope Brewing will be selling it to Nashville locals. Those still attending Homebrew Con online from June 18th-20th will have the event’s keynote address delivered by Spaulding.

A portion of proceeds from Pangaea Proxima IPA will go to the Believe in Beer Fund, a relief fund for breweries and state brewers guilds affected by the Covid-19 outbreak. “Breweries are such a community, and we’re in a similar position as they are right now,” Spaulding said. “We want to use this to do anything we could as a community. Hopefully this will allow breweries who are struggling right now to bridge the gap and get past this. We’re lucky with our canning line and grocery store spots, but we started as a draft-only brewery, so we’re thinking of what it’d be like in that position right now. We want to help out.”

The Believe in Beer Fund was started by the Brewer’s Association alongside Bottleshare, a nonprofit dedicated to helping craft breweries. Breweries will be able to apply online for a grant to assist in various expenses that occur during the challenges of the pandemic.

To those in and around the Nashville area, Pangaea Proxima IPA was released Friday, May 29th from Jackalope Brewery’s taproom for curbside pick-up and delivery. It will also be available at select stores in the Nashville area.